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Lemon Lavender
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Chai Tea Latte
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Marshmallow Peep
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Maple Bourbon
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Green Tea Matcha
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Strawberry Champagne
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
The OG
$7.50Sometimes there isn’t anything that satisfies your cotton candy craving like the original pink vanilla flavor!
Hot Cocoa
$7.50Milky salted chocolate with a hint of marshmallow, this will make you want to curl up with a blanket and a book.
Cherry Midnight
$7.50Natural cherry flavors colored a dark gray with activated charcoal powder because, why not whiten your teeth while eating a sweet treat.
Bubble Gum
$7.50Both pretty in pink, Bubble gum and cotton candy both take you back to your childhood with a modern twist.